Our National Rebirth, National Security, the Supreme Court, etc.

Gettysburg -- a Rebirth of the Nation

July 4th is a good time to recall the sacrifices of many in various wars to win and preserve our freedoms.  Today (July 3) is the 150th anniversary of the final day of the battle of Gettysburg that was the bloodiest of the war, and the turning point.  The second birth of our nation, after “Four score and seven years ago...”.  If you're interested, I highly recommend the movie "Gettysburg" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_movie -- especially the part with Col. Joshua Chamberlain (a professor, played by Jeff Daniels) who held the critical left flank of the Union Army on Little Round Top after several enemy charges & running out of ammunition – with a bayonet charge.  Here's a 5 minute clip:  

-- I share that with our older Venturer Scouts as an example of fine leadership, including how he persuaded 120 deserters to help them, and probably saved the Union: 

When I visited my sister’s family in Massachusetts for Christmas, on our trip to Maine we happened to come across Bowdoin College where Chamberlain  was on the faculty & president (& later governor of Maine), and we watched the movie.  My sister was especially impressed with Chamberlain's character at the surrender at Appomattox (see the brief account at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Chamberlain -- as it says there, a surrendering general called Chamberlain "one of the knightliest soldiers of the Federal Army.")  I was also impressed with how he pressed on despite various serious injuries and ailments.

Also depicted in the movie are how Gen. Buford was first on the scene, and valiantly prevented a much larger Confederate force from taking the high ground.  And how General Custer repelled a cavalry attack that nearly split the Union line in two.

The NSA Leaker, National Security & the IRS

Here is where the far Left and far Right (Libertarians) seem to meet – they apparently agree on no intrusion whatever by government – at least in the surveillance area.  They differ of course in that the Left seems to feel the government can and should intrude into many other aspects of our lives, reaching deep into our pockets, redistributing wealth, dictating our welfare and health care, etc.  They trust all the rest of their lives to big government, but anything that might even smack of infringing on privacy for the sake of national security (or any other national security matter) is anathema. 

They want to add thousands more IRS agents to enforce Obamacare, when they can’t even control the ones they already have?  Even there in the IRS scandal, many on the Left were fine with the anti-conservative discrimination.   Or all the liberal organizations that are anxious to violate the privacy of gun owners or  donors to conservative causes, by publishing their private information and otherwise harassing or boycotting them.  Privacy in their mind is only good for them, and not anyone who disagrees with them.

Whistleblowers like Erin Brokovich have so long been glorified by the Left for environmental and security (Wikileaks), etc., that they of course hold Snowden up as a hero.  Anyone who “sticks it to the man” – especially anything to do with national security or the evil  “military/industrial complex” (e.g., Halliburton – but it was our industrial might that helped win WW II) – is to be praised.   And as much as Snowden denies and says it’s not about being a hero, you know it is.  Just more of our narcissistic age.   Just look at his repeated dramatic videos.

And another indication of the source of morality in the Left – their heart.  Forget laws and solemn agreements and oaths, or the security and lives of their fellow Americans.  Forget about the rational reasons for secrecy in time of war.  And the vast expense and efforts made to protect us.  They know best, and neither know nor care about the consequences, as long as they follow what they believe is right. 

And if they even perceive the POTENTIAL for abuse of a system, they will take it down (unless, of course, it’s the IRS attacking conservatives, in which case they will deny, obfuscate, and take the 5th).  And as far as I can tell from the news, automated algorithms searching phone metadata (not conversation content) to identify calls with likely foreign terrorists is not intrusive on Americans, nor abuse. 

Yes, it might conceivably be abused, but how does that differ from many other functions of government (e.g., IRS, police, ...)?  If that is to be the standard, do we eliminate police, etc. because there’s merely the potential for abuse, or even infrequent isolated cases of it?  Isn’t that throwing the baby out with the bathwater and acquiescing to the anarchists or enemies of this nation?  The ultimate result of that would be even more abuse, misery and lack of real freedom.    And if many more followed Snowden’s example and abused the trust placed in them, just following their own whims, we’d have no effective government at all. 

But of course Snowden flees to China, then Russia, then possibly Venezuela or Cuba or Ecuador.  Wherever he can do the most damage to our national interests and security – among our worst enemies.  I hope he remains in limbo in a miserable corner of the Moscow airport, like Tom Hanks in the movie “The Terminal.”  Or gets to see and live the miserable lives and real lack of freedom in those, his chosen countries – he just might have a belated epiphany.  That is what he would have us become by such actions as his. 

No, there are demonstrably valid reasons (and some 50 cases where the program thwarted terrorist plots), and real safeguards against abuse of NSA programs by Congressional oversight, FISA courts, etc.  And valid reasons for limiting the number of people with full knowledge of these programs – because they are only effective if kept secret, and clearly the more who know, the greater the chance of such blabbermouths as Snowden.  The trouble is, the current historically illiterate, narcissistic, generation doesn’t understand the need for secrecy in time of war, and how even more intrusive the measures (mail censorship, etc.) were in World War II, etc. – out of necessity for national survival, and for the sake of many, many lives.  

Many of them tend to buy into the Left’s (including Obama’s) notion that there is really no serious war with terror, and any “misunderstandings” can be dealt with by not using politically incorrect terminology, by not stooping to the level of those who do such “nasty” things as spy, etc.  They of course feel they have the moral high ground, and can justify any actions because their intentions are pure, and they know best.  Just listen to Lois Lerner’s (IRS manager over the abusing dept.) self-righteousness before Congress. 

The Supreme Court & Prop 8, DOMA

Obama called the Supreme Court decisions “a victory for democracy.”  Huh?  When the will of the voters of California and the law are ignored and not enforced by the governor and attorney general, and they won’t defend the law before the court?  That sounds more like a blow against democracy. 

My take from hearing legal experts is that they vacated (reversed) the lower federal court decision because the defenders of prop 8 didn’t have “standing” (not able to legally represent the case).  Which puts it back in the state’s domain, where the decision only applied to the specific 2 couples who brought the suit, and doesn’t give a blanket authorization to all gay marriages in the state.  I understand a better case is being brought, now.  And an injunction was requested against gay marriages that are now being performed, until the issue is resolved at the state level, at least. 

So the Supreme Court case leaves it still up to each state to decide, and at least two-thirds have decided against gay marriage.  The federal DOMA decision simply grants federal benefits to those gay marriages recognized by states.  

But Justice Kennedy in his opinion impugned anyone who opposes gay marriage as having base motives.  Really?  Like Bill Clinton (signed DOMA), Joe Biden (voted for it), Barack Obama (before his flip-flopped), .....Again, the Left’s sense of moral superiority and self-justification, and ascribing the worst motives to anyone who disagrees. 

The Deseret News reported on the LDS Church’s response:

"By ruling that supporters of Proposition 8 lacked standing to bring this case to court, the Supreme Court has highlighted troubling questions about how our democratic and judicial system operates," LDS Church spokesman Michael Otterson said. "Many Californians will wonder if there is something fundamentally wrong when their government will not defend or protect a popular vote that reflects the views of a majority of their citizens.

"In addition, the effect of the ruling is to raise further complex jurisdictional issues that will need to be resolved.
"Regardless of the court decision, the Church remains irrevocably committed to strengthening traditional marriage between a man and a woman, which for thousands of years has proven to be the best environment for nurturing children. Notably, the court decision does not change the definition of marriage in nearly three fourths of the states."

Romney’s “47%” Remark & Obamacare

I continue to occasionally hear people who say the 47% remark by Romney (that was illegally recorded) influenced their vote.  And I continue to be amazed at peoples’ ignorance (and the media’s biased coverage) when they ignore the more serious misstatements by Obama regarding redistribution of wealth (said to Joe the Plumber) and people who cling to their guns and religion (said to a Democrat group), etc..  At least Romney acknowledged his statement was a mistake – no such retreat by Obama.  And we all (especially the other 53%) continue to pay the price.

Now we learn just how miserably Obamacare was thought out and will damage this country.  Obama has by executive fiat postponed implementation of the federal mandate for employers until after the 2014 mid-term elections.  No political motivation there, right?  It just continues to unravel.  By now, people have had time to see what’s in the bill (as Pelosi insisted), and they don’t like it.  One way or the other, it will unravel.

The Africa Trip

It’s not enough that Obama destroys our energy independence, affordability, etc. – now he’s throwing $7 billion at green energy in Africa.  Not to mention the $100 million cost of his trip. 

Egypt – It Ain’t Over ‘Till it’s Over!

Apparently the largest demonstrations in history (larger than against Mubarak) have been occurring in Cairo against President Morsi (of the Muslim Brotherhood) because of his drastic failure a year into his term.  Buyers’ remorse? 

And apparently many of the protesters are also protesting the Obama administration’s complicity in propping up Morsi – in fact more supportive of him than they were of Mubarak.

Now apparently the Egyptian military has made good on its ultimatum that he step down, and they have him under house arrest.   And are arresting many other Muslim Brotherhood leaders who might foment violence.  They of all people won’t go down without a fight.  It could get bloody.  The military promises elections soon, but the Brotherhood is still the largest coherent political organization.  We’ll see if the Egyptians can form an effective coalition to counter them.  


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