Character vs Color, Egypt, Syria & Muslims

Character vs Color -- “Two roads diverged in a woods....”

 50 years ago this week, Rev. Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial.  In that speech, he said he dreamt of the day his children would be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.  It may be instructive to review where we are 2 generations later in light of that dream.

Clearly there are now many more Blacks in positions of power in government (from the president to cabinet secretaries, Supreme Court justices, Congressmen, governors, mayors, etc.), business (Herman Cain, etc.), prominent intellectuals (Thomas Sowell, etc.), athletes, musicians, etc..  Many more are graduating from college, etc.  And there are many more hard-working, productive, good, moral Blacks.  Most of these have focused on the content of their character, as have the vast majority of Whites who have not stood in their way, and more often worked together with them. 

The foregoing have chosen a very different path from the race-hustlers, grievance industry, victocrats and victim-mentality types who continue to see everything, including any perceived & magnified last vestige of prejudice, in terms of color.  Community organizers (like Obama) are especially adept at promoting this mentality, and rely heavily on it to achieve their ends.  These people excuse and even encourage bad behavior with the justification that there are perceived discriminations or bigotries.  Many feel that anyone who disagrees with any policy or philosophy of the “Black establishment” (e.g., President Obama, the NAACP, or Black “spokesmen” like Sharpton and Jackson) must by definition be racist.  When they disagree with a verdict (e.g., Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin where there was absolutely no evidence of bigotry on the part of Zimmerman – not so for Trayvon*), they cry “no justice, no peace!” and some openly avenge Trayvon by beating or killing random whites.   King’s own son in a 50th anniversary speech spoke of how Trayvon was denied justice, and how the law must be changed so that one cannot defend oneself from an attacker – or certainly at least a Black attacker.  But they will look the other way to let off or excuse a Black murderer (OJ, or the blatantly racist Black youth who recently shot the Australian young man in Nebraska).

Their own perceptions of the world are so tainted by color and emotion (including hate) that they cannot see other rational, logical, reasonable explanations for events around them.  This is projection pure and simple – they assume that whites generally are as racist and motivated by race as they are, and demand Whites adhere strictly to political correctness .  And because of racism of the past, going back to slavery (from which they were freed at great cost in White blood & treasure, and I note due to the efforts of the Republican Party), they feel that Whites still owe them much, and excuse any Black bad behavior.  There are no expectations of personal responsibility either from sympathetic liberal Whites --  the soft bigotry of low expectations.

And as discussed in other posts, there are Whites who join the race-hustlers for political advantage.  That, too, benefits them, as they pander to the lower class Blacks, keeping them down, enslaved and dependent on the government welfare plantation.  However well-intended, the net result of that has been a dramatic worsening of the Black family.  When King gave his speech, there were some 25% of Black children born out of wedlock.  Today it is three times that rate – 75%!  The Black family has largely been decimated, along with many of their former religious values.  Sociologists and honest leaders of all colors agree that that (no father figure or cohesive family) has had a dramatic affect on Black youth, and the steady rise in Black crime and incarceration.  The Black murderer count is 17 times the White (and many more Blacks murdering and raping Whites than vice-versa).  And yet the victocrats blame that higher Black incarceration rate on discrimination or profiling – again avoiding personal responsibility.  Yes, Black unemployment is higher than White, but it has only worsened under the misguided liberal leadership of this Democrat (and Black) president.  The lot of the inner city ghettos in most major cities has only worsened under decades of Democrat governance.  And yet many Blacks vote only based on color, and the hollow Democrat promises from the party that panders to them, judging them by their color, not their character.

Yes, there are many of all colors who excuse bad behavior, and give racial preferences (affirmative action) based on the color of one’s skin – not the content of one’s character.  And those who actually do tend to judge more on the content of character are more often the ones accused of racism.  But the bible even speaks to those who will be “offended at a word,” and who “call evil good, and good evil.”

And so some of the most prevalent and pernicious racism that persists 50 years after King’s speech is in the Black community.  In fact, if the absolute number of black-on-white crimes vs white-on-black crimes is any indication, and taking into account the relative share of population, one could conclude there is a much higher percentage of anti-white racism than vice-versa.  Those in the Black community who have been successful, and realized the American dream of e pluribus unum, have focused on character, not color.  They have also realized King’s dream – as attested by their success and acceptance.  Those who focus on color never will be successful, and/or will always be full of hate, and will fight the American dream of e pluribus unum.  Or will exploit those who do. And their militancy, obnoxiousness, hatred, lawlessness and selfishness will always offend some who judge on character, and who will then be blamed for racism, perpetuating the situation.  A self-fulfilling prophecy.  They never will realize King’s dream. 

*(Regarding Trayvon’s character, see:  How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death  Clearly, his behavior in attacking Zimmerman came from a darker place, and prior record.  Had those in authority acted appropriately beforehand, and not out of self-interest or political correctness, he likely would not have been there that night, or acted in that manner, but might have been turned around.  But the race-hustlers and victocrats are quick to defend Trayvon’s character (just as OJ’s), because of his color, and blame the justice system, or jurors (one of whom was black, and yet voted to acquit Zimmerman).)

Another pet topic of the race hustlers is photo voter ID’s.  Supposedly requiring a photo ID is racist and discriminatory against Blacks, and an attempt by conservatives to disenfranchise them, just like the old Democrat poll taxes.  But photo ID’s are required to attend the Democrat national convention, to fly on planes, drive cars, travel abroad, etc.  Are those all racist and discriminatory, too?  If so, where are the Democrat outcries?  Of course the reason is that Democrats have time and again demonstrably committed massive voter fraud that has decided elections.  A recent example is Al Franken being elected by a few hundred votes, and it is now well-documented that over 1500 of his votes were fraudulent.  The result?  His was the deciding vote that passed Obamacare.  The result of that?  The elimination of many full-time jobs and replacement by part-time jobs without benefits, among many other things.   And now they move to enfranchise illegal immigrants who they count on for Democrat votes. 


Obama has tried to please everyone in Egypt, and has ended up pleasing no one, and offending everyone.  It began with his first foreign speech – in Cairo – to begin his apology tour, and appease the Muslim world.  Then he supported the uprising against Mubarak.  Then he supported the elected Muslim Brotherhood president Morsi.  Then he has sort of supported the popular demonstrations and military ouster of Morsi – not cutting off aid, but imputing more blame to the military in their crackdown against violent demonstrators (who’ve torched some 50 Coptic Christian churches), and cancelling planned joint military exercises. 

As indicated in my last post, the Brotherhood would not go down without a fight.  The worst anti-Christian violence in some seven centuries.  Morsi had clearly begun to subvert the constitution and expand his own powers to begin instituting Sharia, which the Egyptians clearly were not ready for, and had not bargained for in the election.  Given the option of Sharia under the Brotherhood or military rule, clearly the latter is preferable – also for a variety of other reasons of strategic interest to us, as Krauthammer discusses (  Interesting that they’ve chosen this time to release Mubarak from prison and into house arrest.   We’ll see if Egypt can continue its halting moves in the direction of democracy, as a number of other countries have done.  There probably remain more stormy days ahead, however.


Syria obviously didn’t take Obama’s “red line” very seriously after their first nerve gas attack this last Spring, now that they launched a much more massive attack in the Damascus suburbs, killing around 1,000 civilians.  Even appeasement-oriented, peace-at-any-price, no-military-intervention liberals have a hard time ignoring or sidestepping that.  Although characteristically Obama initially agonized over the financial costs of intervention, and said we must think very carefully about it.  And Obama’s (& Kerry’s) rhetoric have ratcheted up, with moves to enlist a coalition, and moving naval assets into place.  Likely no more than cruise missile strikes to avoid putting military in harm’s way.  We’ll see how effective – hopefully moreso than Clinton’s missile strikes on Al Qaida camps in Afghanistan.  It could at least reduce their air power. 

Kerry sounds every bit as convinced of chemical weapons in Syria as Bush was in Iraq, and yet Kerry voted against the Iraq war.  Both Saddam & Assad not only had but used chemical weapons on their own people.  I am unaware of any reports of chemical weapons development programs in Syria, whereas we know Saddam developed his own.  And so one notion of where Syria got them was a rushed transfer from Iraq at the onset of the US invasion of Iraq.  There was a report of a convoy of something from Iraq to Syria at the time of the invasion.That would explain us not finding them, after we (and every other intelligence service in the world) knew he had them.  But when a person floated this idea on a CNN interview, it was dismissed as “crazy talk.”  Of course --  because if true, that would delegitimize their cutesy little rhyming mantra of “Bush lied and people died,” and their claim that there was no legitimacy to the war.

Prager cited a NYT editorial today saying that either side (the Hassad regime, or the increasingly Al Qaida-bent opposition who want to establish a major base against the West there) winning in the Syria conflict would be bad for US (& other nations’) strategic interests.  Assad is Iran’s (& Hezbollah’s) ally & they are all Israel’s enemies, and Al Qaida is clearly our mortal enemy.  The best outcome is to perpetuate the civil war and draw them both down, at the expense of any remaining innocent civilians.  Although some 1 million children refugees have fled the country.  Similar to when we played off Sadam and the Ayatollah in their war.  If one side begins to win, withdraw any support to them, or increase support to the other.  It’s beginning to look like another shattered, once-great Lebanon

Muslim-US relations. 

One observation.  We send our young men to Muslim countries to fight their armed oppressors and die for their people and their freedom from tyrannical or Taliban oppression in Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc.  In gratitude, they (at least their radicals) send their young men to murder our unarmed civilians (women & children) in our workplaces, streets, embassies, etc., to take our freedoms with the intent of imposing Sharia.  Another example of no good deed going unpunished. 

There is no co-existence with their radical brand of Islam, in any country where they’ve come to power (Turkey is moving in that direction), or are fighting as insurgents.  See how Christians are faring in Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.  And then by comparison, for all the crying of CAER, etc., see how Muslims fare in Israel, the US, UK, Europe in general – they have freedom of worship, get welfare benefits, are not murdered or mosques burned, etc.  Which is really the religion of peace and tolerance?  Actions speak louder than words.



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