Enhanced Interrogation, Cuban Reset, N. Korean Cyber War & Dead Cops

In this Post:

1. “Senate” Enhanced Interrogation Report
2. Cuban Re-normalization & Prisoner Exchange
3. North Korean Cyber-Terrorism and Censorship
4. “What do we want?  Dead Cops!  When do We Want It?  Now!!”

“Senate” Enhanced Interrogation Report

The report on CIA enhanced interrogations under Bush was by no means bipartisan – it was solely the Democrat caucus.  No witnesses were called, nor did any experts testify.  The purpose was ostensibly to “restore U.S. moral authority.”  The timing is suspect following the Democrat slaughter in the midterm elections -- it seemed more a dying/desperate gasp of the lame duck Senate Democrat majority.  A last chance to get in another lick at Bush and the GOP, and divert attention from the 2014 Democrat losses, and Obama’s unpopularity, while they still had the bully pulpit. 

“Moral authority?”  This administration has killed 2400 suspects, including hundreds of collateral civilians, with drones.  Some of them very possibly had their heads severed by the explosions – by their own inconsistent “moral” arguments, perhaps no better than ISIS.  No trial or anything remotely resembling the American justice and ideals they supposedly tout, nor concern for civilians for which they so assiduously criticize Israel in Gaza.  The CIA enhanced interrogation techniques were all psychological – sleep deprivation, very limited waterboarding, etc. – none of it physically maiming or life-threatening, unlike the techniques used by many other nations.  I.e., we can already claim the moral high ground. 

Of course, to quote Saddam Hussein, “If there’s a person, there’s a problem; if there’s no person, there’s no problem.”  It’s much cleaner to eliminate them with drones (avoiding also the dreaded “boots on the ground”) than to have to decide where to incarcerate them if captured (GITMO being the Left’s great bogeyman), and then how to administer justice.  But of course killing potential sources of intelligence puts more Americans at risk, and divulging these details will deter prospective allies from collaborating in intelligence-gathering, killing future sources of intelligence.  Many experts have testified of the grave damage that release of the report is doing to us – for their political gain.  “Moral authority,” phooey!!!

And of course they neither think nor care about such things.  They can conveniently and somewhat comfortably (now that much of the uncertainties and pressing threats post-9/11 are past) now be concerned about their “moral authority.”  But of course that’s in keeping with Obama’s general philosophy of killing them with kindness – right, that will make them talk and give up their jihad.  As if there’s any empirical evidence that works.  They forget all the incriminations against the intelligence community post-9/11 for not “connecting the dots” – which led to the reorganization and better integration of the intel community, and pressures to deliver before another 9/11 occurred.  There was bi-partisan support among those briefed.  Historical facts are irrelevant to these folks, and, as usual, being Liberal/Left means never having to say you’re sorry (or wrong).

And there is clear evidence that the enhanced interrogations – used on a very limited and select basis – did foil plots such as a 9/11-style attack on Los Angeles.  And led to the courier who led to Bin Laden, for whose killing Obama gloriously danced in the end zone.  Obama’s intelligence apparatus was clearly caught by surprise by ISIS, Ukraine, etc.  Or maybe that was just because Obama can’t seem to stomach intelligence briefings – it’s a dirty world that he’d rather stick his head in the sand about, and just keep America’s profile low (so that we’re loved – gee, I wonder why we’re still not loved?), while the bad guys run amok and fill the power vacuum.  I suppose that in a world where you’re not willing to act on intelligence, there’s no real need for intelligence.  Might as well live in some Leftist utopian dream-world and just “hope” for the best.  Hope and change is all we have, now.  As Sarah Palin has said, “How’s that working out for you?”

For all their supposed moral high ground talk, what about all the Chicago politics-style lying and tactics to pass Obamacare, cover up Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Fast & Furious, etc.  I take it that in the Left’s lexicon, lying is not a sin when done for their cause – the ends justifies the means.  In truth the Left has no moral authority – being secular, there is no divine authority, and so they are authorities unto themselves.  They get to define what is moral.  Morality is subjective, and relative – whatever you (or anyone) feel.  In their minds we have no more moral authority than ISIS.  American ideals of liberty, etc., are not worthy of standing up for, or fighting for. 

But whenever they can find a “moral” cause that fits their leftist agenda, they will embrace it to salve their consciences that are otherwise devoid of divine morality, to appear nobler (a political and feel-good expedience), and use it to stick it in the face of, and manipulate, those who do believe in a divine moral authority, and who uphold those values.  Obama, Biden, Pelosi & Reid even quote isolated scriptures on occasion – stretching them to fit their Leftist agendas.  Leftism, mingled with scripture.  Not to appeal to their base, but to sucker-in or neutralize the religious Right.  But otherwise ignoring the spirit or larger contexts of the scriptures.  But that’s unimportant, as long as they have the air of “moral authority.” And unfortunately, for many, that’s all it takes.

Cuban Re-normalization & Prisoner Exchange

Once again (as in the GITMO terrorist-Bergdahl exchange) pres. Obama has demonstrated his ineptness in negotiations.  We gave up 3 terrorists w. blood on their hands for 1 of our guys, and supposedly in an unrelated (but simultaneous) deal, they released one innocent man being held hostage.  Nothing in the “normalization” improves the freedoms or lot of Cubans.  All it does is give recognition, legitimization & revitalization to the bloody, totalitarian regime.  We get nothing in return. 

Just another in a long line of 1-sided, failed Obama diplomacy, including “resets” with Russia, Iran, Burma, etc.

North Korean Cyber-Terrorism and Censorship

The evidence points to North Korea in the Sony cyber-terrorism & sabotage over release of “The Interview” depicting a fictional assassination of North Korea’s leader.  Considerable damage was done to Sony’s computer system, and damaging personal data released.  The threats against theaters resulted in theater chains cancelling planned openings, and Sony withdrawing the movie.  After the public outcry over the thought of a foreign government (or anyone) censoring our media or interfering with our businesses, Sony decided to release it on the internet, and some small independents showed it in theaters. 

This is the kind of thing we can expect when we allow countries to go nuclear (e.g., N. Korea, and now Iran – another “irrational actor”), and we then have little recourse to blackmail.  Although soon after the attacks, apparently N. Korea’s internet went dead – the U.S. government will neither confirm nor deny its involvement. 

This is another in a line of assassination movies, including Bush, the Pope, etc.  Obama said “I wish Sony had talked to me before cancelling it,” but apparently Sony did talk to someone in the White House beforehand.  He said we can’t allow terrorists to censor us.  What’s he going to do about it, draw another meaningless “red line?”  Interesting, however, that the guy who released online a derogatory video of Mohammed, for which the Benghazi terrorist attack was falsely blamed, was arrested & is serving time.  And we didn’t allow terrorists to influence that?

Of course, now that cyber warfare has escalated (the Russians and Chinese have already been doing probing, malicious attacks against our businesses, government & infrastructure), the concern is that it could totally bring down our system that relies so much on the internet and computers.  We would be helpless, and there would be much suffering and even deaths – without firing of any weapons. 

“What do we want?  Dead Cops!  When do We Want It?  Now!!”

That was the chant, caught on video, of a group of “peaceful” New York protesters of the 2 recent incidents of young blacks being shot by police in Missouri & NYC.  As described before, both involved resisting arrest, or in the shooting case, actually attacking the police.  And the other death was due to the poor health of the man being restrained.  In both cases, the grand jury found no cause for trial.  But the mobs burned, looted & vandalized, nonetheless.   And, fanned by Rev. Sharpton & Jesse Jackson (the black grievance peddlers – Sharpton a frequent White House advisor), and excessive legitimization by Obama & mayor DeBlasio of NYC, the protests spread & intensified, as well as vandalism and threats against police. 

One unstable young black man admitted grievance over the 2 publicized cases as motive to assassinate 2 NYC cops sitting in their police car.  So the protesters got what they wanted.  But was that enough?  No, they continued to threaten police, and the airline (Virgin) that flew police free from across the country to the memorial service of the 2 innocent officers.  And shots have been fired at police in other states.  NYC police are in defensive mode, only responding to the most serious calls, and always sending at least 2 squad cars.  Which of course gives criminals much more free reign.  Perhaps the angry mobs would be pacified if cops were completely withdrawn from black communities, so that no blacks would be “harassed” or “discriminated against”?  Of course it is those communities that have historically been the most crime-ridden, and their victims are mostly other blacks.  They often cite the statistic that the incarceration rate is higher among blacks, but neglect to also mention that the reason is the higher crime rates among blacks.  And yes, there is racism – black on white crime vs white-on-black is 10-to-1.  And there is much more black gangsterism.

They want to project the blame on the police by painting them with a broad brush as racist.  But the cops lay their lives on the line every day to protect blacks, as Rudy Giuliani cut the NYC black crime rate dramatically with effective police strategy.  And the misdirected blame distracts from or denies the root causes of the higher black crime rate – the prevalent fatherless youth with no authority figure (so they rebel against the police, the only authority figure they know).  And so with the never-ending welfare state supporting the breakdown of the black family, and the misdirected blame, the problem just perpetuates.  But the race-peddlers like Sharpton & Jackson remain in business.  This in the most racially tolerant, diverse and non-discriminatory society on earth.  It’s ridiculous.  But clearly politically motivated – divide and conquer, mixed with anarchism.  And there are always plenty of “useful idiots” who can be persuaded to anger.  But we will all suffer – society as a whole, along with them. 


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