Done Deal? Religious Liberty, Hillary & Trump

In this post:

  1. The Iran Nuclear Agreement
  2. Broader Ramifications
  3. Same-sex Marriage Decision & Religious Liberty
  4.  The 2016 Campaigns

The Iran Nuclear Agreement

Obama and his lackeys have proven once again what miserable negotiators they are.  They have given away the farm and gotten hardly anything in return.  They may or may not have stalled the Iranian march to nuclear weapons for a few years – inspection rules require 24 day notice for specific sites (plenty of time for shell games like Saddam played in Iraq), and are subject to a committee which Iran sits on.  And we don’t even know all the places they may be hiding stuff. 

Apparently the deal not only lifts the embargo sanctions, including conventional weapons, but gives Iran tens of billions of dollars to bolster their economy, and much greater ability to foster terrorism throughout the world, and regional instability, much more than their current level as the prime state sponsor of terror in the world, and benefactors of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.  There were no demands for them to renounce their global jihad, or pursuit of intercontinental missiles with our name on them, as they continued throughout the negotiations to shout “death to America, and Israel.”  The Iranian singled out in the sanctions as responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of Americans through the IED’s Iran produced and provided their proxies in Iraq, was given relief, while the several Americans languishing in Iranian prisons and torture chambers were forgotten. 

They can build up their defenses for the day not many years away when they will legitimately be able to break out with nuclear capability, if not secretively before.  And have ICBM’s to deliver them to us.  So, once again, Obama has kicked the can down the road a ways.  He claims that a future American president will be much better able to deal with the Iranians should they break out (or try) to nuclear capability.  He’s partly right, of course, in that almost anyone can deal with situations better than Obama.  But the situation will be much worse, with a much stronger Iran, including more sophisticated Russian & Chinese anti-air and anti-ship weapons, and with the military cutbacks Obama has implemented, and the devastation of the U.S. economy through doubling the national debt, growing the burden of entitlements, etc.  And there will be no easy “snap back” to former sanctions. 

No, much like Chamberlain, Obama wants to prematurely claim “peace in our time.”  But all hell will break loose in not many years, with little other option than a more costly war – perhaps Armageddon.  But what does Obama care?  He has another notch in his “legacy,” and his daughters will not have to fight the war.  Why don’t we for a change start thinking beyond our own selfish legacies, political posturing and comforts of today, to what our children and descendants will have to deal with in terms of security, economically, etc.?  For all the compassion liberals & the Left want to boast, why don’t they show a little towards our posterity?

Obama is hell-bent on normalizing relations with every bad regime on earth – Cuba, Iran, Russia, etc.  Damn the consequences.  He fancies himself another Nixon in China.  His self-confidence, as Dennis Prager calls it, is “preternatural.”  And it is falsely placed.  The Iranians are laughing and cheering, and saying their policies have not changed.  The Israelis and even other Arab countries in the region and other allies of ours are saying it’s a horrible deal.  In Israel there is unheard of total agreement by all parties that it’s a terrible deal, and even their Palestinian citizens (well, part of that is the Sunni-Shiite, Arab-Persian split).  But Obama is confident he’s right, and everyone else, including the opposition in the U.S., is wrong.  And there are a fair number of Democrats who are also speaking out against it – possibly enough to override a veto, which Obama has promised.  And just to be sure, and to not leave it in the hands of the democratic process in America, he’s now taking it to the U.N., to try to entrench it there, so that should Congress appear to be ready to override, he can say, “well, we can’t go against the U.N. international agreement/consensus,” which of course Russia & China will back. 

Broader Ramifications

Neither the Iranians, the Cubans nor the Russians have any greater incentive to change their ways as a result of the idiotic “reset” overtures of Secretary Clinton, Kerry, & Obama.  In fact, they are emboldened by our impotence, and apparent desperation evidenced in our miserably negotiated deals.  It sounds all very noble and idealistic to express faith and hope in the ultimate goodness of our enemies.  But the realities are that it is very naïve in the light of not only their records, but of all the lessons of history.  Which we are doomed to repeat if we don’t learn from them.  After all their years of criticizing our past policies, now they’ve had a chance to try theirs, and they’ve failed.  Obama says we can’t stop evil/terror with force alone, but with better ideas.  And was it better ideas that defeated the Nazis, Imperial Japan, the Confederacy, the North Koreans/Chinese, the Soviets in Afghanistan, etc.?  Often, with certain enemies, war is not only the answer, but the only answer – unless we want to surrender and let them have their way. 

And Obama’s premature withdrawal in Iraq has precipitated, as predicted by Bush, the rise of a much more barbaric power in the region – ISIS.  Which now is inspiring jihadi death & terror in the U.S. and abroad.  But Obama & the Left will never accept any blame for that – they’ll always find another scapegoat.  After all, being on the Left means never having to say you’re sorry, or wrong. 

Experts on radical Islam tell us that many Muslims believe that whenever a Caliphate is established, declared & holds territory, devout Muslims are obligated to flock to it and/or fight for it.  That is what we’re seeing with deadly consequences as in the recent Chattanooga killing of several Marines by yet another radicalized American who was indoctrinated apparently by social media.  If we can’t deal with the social media & telephone recruitment & planning, which is becoming increasingly difficult with the lapse of the Patriot Act, and with increasing use of encryption technology, then the alternative we have to reverse the trend and stop such attacks as long as the Caliphate exists, is to go over and eliminate the Caliphate.  In the meantime, we need to reinstate the military's 2nd amendment rights to carry firearms for self-defense while on military duty on bases.

Same-Sex Marriage Decision & Religious Liberty

Ted Olsen (argued at the Supreme Court for same-sex marriage) was asked the question of why not polygamy, if it’s just a matter of anyone who loves anyone else?  He said that the states can decide what’s in the interest of the state in limiting marriage (e.g., if children are affected), and that for same-sex marriage, the states opposing it only came up with “tradition.”  Well, isn’t the number 2 a tradition that shouldn’t by that reasoning be limiting?  And even for thousands of years (Abraham, Islam, etc.) a fairly established tradition.  Which traditions are to be rejected?  Seems like a slippery slope – incest, etc.

Donna Brazil (Democrat strategist):  “Glad we’ve moved past this issue, and now we have to fight other battles.”  Yes, for them, it’s just one battle after another – never content.  And so for conservatives, it similarly must be one battle after another.  We’re still after a few decades fighting the abortion battle -- with the recent video of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic doctor flippantly discussing harvesting of fetal organs. 

Mike Huckabee called for civil disobedience – obey the higher law of God.  The California Family Council outlined it’s plans to continue the battle:

The LDS Church’s leaders issued these statements:
Supreme Court Decision Will Not Alter Doctrine on Marriage
The Church issued the following statement Friday:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints acknowledges that following today's ruling by the Supreme Court, same-sex marriages are now legal in the United States. The Court's decision does not alter the Lord's doctrine that marriage is a union between a man and a woman ordained by God. While showing respect for those who think differently, the Church will continue to teach and promote marriage between a man and a woman as a central part of our doctrine and practice."
The Church has outlined its doctrine and position on marriage in the document The Divine Institution of Marriage

The leaders of the LDS Church issued a statement read July 5 over the pulpits at its congregations.  Here is the link to that statement:  Church leaders' counsel to members after the Supreme Court same-sex marriage decision.
On its website, the LDS Church expounded on the importance of religious freedom:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement Monday [July 13] regarding the Boy Scouts of America resolution for adult leader standards:
“As a chartering organization, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always had the right to select Scout leaders who adhere to moral and religious principles that are consistent with our doctrines and beliefs.  Any resolution adopted by the Boy Scouts of America regarding leadership in Scouting must continue to affirm that right.”

The 2016 Campaigns

Hillary attacked Jeb Bush for saying that part of the solution to low incomes is the need to work more hours.  What he was referring to was the reduction in hours per week for many jobs from 40 to 30, due to Obamacare.  It has been said that if you like Greece, you’ll love Hillary.  Yes, she’ll lead us to the same economic crisis, with more socialism, greater union pensions, less productivity, shorter hours, earlier retirement – all leading to bankruptcy.  As if the mounting national debt and currently unfunded liabilities aren’t bad enough.  And Hillary attacked Scott Walker for his union-busting.  But his state has now risen by several significant metrics, including average income, employment, budget surplus, education, etc.  The unions & pensions & 50% of their jobs being in the government sector have killed Greece’s economy.

Trump’s remarks about Mexico sending us many of their worst criminals & unskilled people, in addition to some good people, are getting a lot of press.  To the joy of Democrats & consternation of Republicans.  But his steady popularity in the polls seems to bear out the kernel of truth in his statement, and the clamor for someone willing to take on political correctness and fight the establishment and malaise.  Reinforced by the recent shooting of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by a multiple-prison-term illegal protected by the sanctuary city.  Ann Coulter’s book, “Adios America!” also points out how previous immigration tended to bring in the best from other countries, and the current system (inaction about illegals) brings in the lowest of society, perpetuating & enhancing the income inequality that is the keystone of the Democrat (Hillary’s) platform. 

Yes, just another example of the self-perpetuating job insurance that Democrat policies ensure, including their miserable tactics in the “war on poverty” – the welfare system, etc.  They merely perpetuate poverty through single-parent households dependent on welfare, undisciplined, listless young men who are prone to crime, etc.  And other failed social engineering like Dodd-Frank that put people in mortgages they couldn’t afford, and resulted in the housing bubble burst and financial collapse we’re still recovering from.  As long as these are perpetuated, they have an issue they can forever claim to stand up for, for the little guy, and yet never deliver.  Wake up, America!  Try something different!

I am of course somewhat biased myself, being an Eagle Scout (and I am attending an Eagle court of honor today), but I did note that among the current candidates, there are two Eagle Scouts:  Scott Walker & Rick Perry.  And formerly, Jon Huntsman, Gerald Ford, & H. Ross Perot.  And many astronauts. 

I continue to be impressed more and more with Scott Walker & Carly Fiorino.  Carly can (& has) take on Hillary like no one else.  In fact, I’m thinking that might be a great ticket with both of them – a real dynamic duo, with solid records of accomplishment.  And I still like Marco Rubio.   Bush’s & Trump’s leads in the polls I think are at this point more name recognition, and will fade, although perhaps somewhat slowly with both of their huge war chests.  As the others become better known in the debates in a few weeks, we will no doubt begin to see the polls shift, as we went through various candidates of the month in the last election. 


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