Heroes, Guns vs Black Lives, GOP Debate, Hillary, ISIS, Iran Deal, Deniers & Leftist Cognitive Dissonance
Americans to the
2 off-duty American servicemen and their friend heroically
thwarted a terrorist attack on a train bound for Paris, saving many lives. Their unhesitating spring into action in the
face of a heavily armed madman was reminiscent of the 9/11 Flight 93 “Let’s
roll!” In their press conference, one
said “He seemed like he was ready to fight to the end – so were we.” When asked what lessons there were to learn,
their non-military friend, who happens to be black, said “In times of terror, do
something – don’t just stand by and watch.” Good bits of advice for our
commander-in-chief, who gives no real indication of a willingness to fight to
the end, or do more than stand by and watch.
The gunman’s legal defense now is apparently that he just
found the weapons & ammo lying around in a park, and he was poor and was
only going to rob the train. Right –
with an AK-47, handgun, knife, many clips of ammo, etc. And how was he going to get away? And he’d apparently been watching jihadi
videos on the train just before his attack, and he did get at least one shot
off. These jihadis are not only idiots
themselves, but apparently think we are, as well (projection?). The Koran supposedly justifies lies when in
jihad, but they’re not even good at it.
Somehow Americans coming to the rescue of the French seems
like deja vu (WWI, WWII). They were at
least graciously thanked by the French president, and reporters. Better than their apparent ingratitude for
our help in the world wars.
"Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, National Guardsman Alek Skarlatos and college student Anthony Sadler – childhood friends with ties to the Sacramento area – received France’s highest medal, making them Chevalier, knights of the Legion of Honour." Video at: https://www.facebook.com/ABC7/videos/10153040594957452/?pnref=story
Virginia Reporters
Shooting, Gun Control & “Black Lives Matter”
Regarding the shooting of a reporter & cameraman on live
TV in Virginia, predictably the first, knee-jerk reaction from Hillary &
others on the Left like the NYT was to blame the gun. But this guy felt justified, being in the two
biggest victim classes – Black and gay. Chicago
has the strictest gun laws in the nation, but gun killings are out of control
there. How about less victocracy &
race-hatred? The gunman clearly stated
in his manifesto he felt racially slighted, and this was intended (as the
Charleston church shooting) to incite a race war, citing also the litany of “Black
lives matter” cases. He also had a
history of a chip on his shoulder, looking for exaggerated offenses, and a
history of firings and violence. Hillary
said we can’t change hearts & minds (heaven forbid anyone make a moral
judgment), so focus on policies (e.g., gun laws – do we really need more? How about enforcing existing laws, including
immigration?). This of course absolves
them from responsibility for fomenting racial division & hatred for
political benefit, and ignores the influence on hearts & minds of their
policies (the welfare & entitlement system, etc.).
They were quick to blame Sarah Palin & the Right’s figurative
rhetoric for Gabby Gifford’s shooting, despite no evidence there was any
connection whatever. But they totally
avoid any sense of responsibility for the passive or active race-baiting
support of the “Black lives matter” mania (e.g., Obama & other officials’ comments
& attendance at thugs’ funerals, Rev. Sharpton’s), and the resulting violence
(police shootings) and mayhem (property destruction) which they feel is
justifiable, excusable or understandable.
Now here’s a guy whose motives are traceable to their public stance, and
they want to focus instead on the weapon – how convenient, to absolve them from
any responsibility, and turn it to political advantage with their go-to
solution to violence. It could have been
a car, knife, bomb, strangulation or any number of other weapons – would they
ban all those, too? And it also fits
with their unilateral disarmament of the U.S., thinking that by setting a good
example, all the thugs in the world will miraculously see the light and follow
suit. Pollyanna had nothing on these
The black sheriff of Madison, WI who’s appeared on Fox News
rightly said let Obama forego his Secret Service protection & see how he
feels about outsourcing our right to self-protection to the police. He also says the gun issue, and the “Black
lives matter” movement, are merely intended as political fodder for the 2016
election, and ignore the much more numerous black inner city shootings, and
those black lives that should matter. I
loved the brave black mother who spoke out (expletives and all) after her
little daughter was killed by stray gang bullets. She noted how anxious the “Black lives matter”
thugs are to stand up for fellow thugs, and ignore the hopes and dreams and
posterity of her dead innocent daughter, and many like her. Of course she was attacked as an “Uncle Tom”
by the Black fascists. And the “Black
lives matter” is largely based on a few lies like “hands up, don’t shoot,” and
that racism is ubiquitous in the US. The
Left is ever ready and anxious to accuse the Right of evil motives and methods,
but ignore their own – more projection.
They are quick to see racism in shootings of blacks by whites, but not
the reverse. Here was an empowered (armed)
Black man, who killed unempowered (unarmed) whites.
I would also note that this gunman's act sank to a new ISIS-style level of depravity, that helps to further de-sensitize our society and invite copy-cats -- with the help of an accommodating media. It wasn't enough to kill the victims, but he waited until it was on live TV for maximum shock and terrorism, and also took his own video of it & posted it online to further share the horror & suffering. And then of course like all cowards, killed himself, rather than face the consequences. He couldn't live with himself here, but will have to in eternity. Of course their narcissistic victimhood and rationalized anger blinds them to that. But he may take perverted pleasure that apparently a race war has begun, with further shootings of white police in the country by blacks. No doubt they feel justified. The “Black lives matter” and race-baiter mobs have blood on their hands for what they have unleashed.
I would also note that this gunman's act sank to a new ISIS-style level of depravity, that helps to further de-sensitize our society and invite copy-cats -- with the help of an accommodating media. It wasn't enough to kill the victims, but he waited until it was on live TV for maximum shock and terrorism, and also took his own video of it & posted it online to further share the horror & suffering. And then of course like all cowards, killed himself, rather than face the consequences. He couldn't live with himself here, but will have to in eternity. Of course their narcissistic victimhood and rationalized anger blinds them to that. But he may take perverted pleasure that apparently a race war has begun, with further shootings of white police in the country by blacks. No doubt they feel justified. The “Black lives matter” and race-baiter mobs have blood on their hands for what they have unleashed.
The 1st
GOP Debate
Huckabee (regarding Iran): “When somebody points a gun at
your head and loads it, by God, you should take it seriously.”
Carly Fiorina, who I thought ought to have been in the first
tier debate group, apparently cleaned up in the 2nd tier. Hopefully we’ll see her move up as her
abilities are becoming more widely known.
Hugh Hewett noted that Carly is rising as Hillary is falling. Trump was his usual blustery self, and a
lightning rod (e.g., regarding his remarks towards women, as brought up by
Megyn Kelly). No one else seemed to have
enough time to especially stand out positively or negatively, or go into any
Ann Coulter seems
to be grateful at least for Trump’s raising the profile of the immigration
problem issue. As pointed out in her
recent book, “Adios, America,” and in this video clip, “Why Immigration Is the Only Issue That Matters” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayMUyXaA5js
Hillary on the Ropes?
I overheard a couple guys in the gym saying the GOP is just
wasting time & money for political purposes investigating Benghazi &
Hillary’s emails. I’d say that’s pretty
sad when the best you can say about your candidate is she hasn’t yet got
caught/convicted of wrongdoing. Although
the emails are now being investigated by DOJ & the FBI – presumably (hopefully)
not political.
Bob Woodward (Watergate reporter) says Hillary’s email
scandal is at the same level as Watergate’s Nixon tapes. She has very legalistically & artfully
dodged questions and blame so far. First
saying she never got or sent any classified info, then backing off & saying
(after a fair number of emails were found clearly containing classified
information) that she never got or sent any that were marked classified. I and any other lowly person with a security
clearance clearly understands that that doesn’t get you off the hook – if you
receive or mistakenly send something that should have been classified, you’d
damned well better report it immediately, or you’re in big trouble, and facing
potential prison & fines -- certainly at least revocation of the clearance and being barred from future work requiring clearances (e.g., the presidency). This is especially true of the most highly classified information that reveals intelligence sources and methods, and that anyone with that level of clearance would/should readily recognize. And apparently some of her emails did contain that kind of information. With her
high office & access to information, and being 4th in line to
the presidency, she had been briefed and understood. And yet she chose to be lax in her
responsibilities, having a private, unsecure server for work. I would think even much of the day-to-day operational State Dept. messages (e.g., Benghazi embassy) would also be very sensitive or classified.
Hillary was either ignorant or incompetent, or both. And when you fail at one job, do you expect
to be promoted to the presidency? Give
us a break. The polls on her
trustworthiness show that now over 60% find her untrustworthy. Not to mention her likeability ratings. No, it’s looking the Dems are scrambling for
a better candidate. It’s looking more
and more like Joe Biden will be getting in.
And Elizabeth (“Cherokee”) Warren?
After long brushing off the criticisms as GOP politics, Hillary
is finally admitting poor judgment on the emails & server – but only after
overwhelming polls about her lack of credibility, the FBI & DoJ
investigations & even some Dems now questioning her. We’ll see if she’ll be held to the same
standard regarding classified material as General Petraeus, and the rest of us
low-level lackeys. Or if she is not
really one of us, and looking out for the little guys, as she claims. Or if she’s rather in the elite, privileged
class that is above the rules, including all the questionable donations to the
Clinton foundation by shady regimes.
But now she’s trying to go on the offensive, calling GOP
candidates terrorists, and making a Nazi analogy, alluding to gathering illegal
immigrants into “boxcars.” Yes, Nazis
are about the worst name the Left can call you – their favorite arch-villain
and favorite label for their opponents.
The worst names a caller to Medved came up with were “the big Satan….the
big Hitler.” Rubio noted that Dems can’t
even call real terrorists terrorists – but they call their political opponents
terrorists. Harry Reid did, too. But I should note that Huckabee entered the
Nazi name-calling fray, saying the Iran deal leads the Jews right up to the
oven doors. I dare say his analogy (rare
from the GOP) is much more accurate and necessary, with similarly grave
consequences if Iran gets the bomb.
Baghdadi (the “Caliph,” or head of ISIS) has now been shown
to be a rapist. He had forced sex with a
captive U.S. woman. Maybe by their convenient,
perverted definition of “marriage” it’s not rape, but by any other reasonable,
moral definition of marriage anywhere else in the world it is. And of course the leader sets the tone for
all underlings for what is acceptable.
So we see widespread similar behavior by their fighters who similarly
rape captured women (including married women & children), and pass them to
the next guy after a day or so. They can’t
seem to wait for their promised 72 virgins in heaven. Would they think it proper for their mothers,
sisters, or daughters to be treated similarly?
They clearly demonstrate their moral bankruptcy and evil (including all
of their other sadistic and merciless acts), which actions speak much louder
than their hollow professions of Islamic piety.
Surely a just God will reward them according to their works. They should expect no mercy themselves – in this
life or the next. At least we’ve picked
off a couple of his senior colleagues with drones, and given Baghdadi a close
scrape himself. If he has no fear of
God, maybe he at least has a bit of fear of drones. But ISIS is a much larger organization than
Al Qaida, and picking off a leader or two here or there will have even less
effect on ISIS. No, we can and should
get more serious about ISIS.
Dennis Prager on Aug. 19 read Klein’s NYT editorial that
said the only thing that can turn ISIS around is when they become converted to
environmentalism. Which echoes Obama’s
recent statement at a military academy graduation that climate change is the
most serious problem facing us, and the world.
I saw a YouTube clip of some Egyptian media talking heads laughing Obama’s
statement to scorn. Prager took issue
with Klein, saying that converting ISIS to Mormonism would be much more effective
than converting them to environmentalism (he used Mormons as an example of
peaceful, upright people). And the
comparison is valid – to the Left, environmentalism (or climate change) is a
religion, and in their mind a much more valid one. Their leaps of faith on climate change
effects & effectiveness are even greater than the prophetic book of
Revelation. And their reverence and
certitude for their prophets like Al Gore is unwavering.
Iran Nuclear Deal
Very liberal Alan Dershowitz is now saying that the Iran
side deal is a cover-up. Obama denied
knowing about the Iranian self-inspection clauses. Similarly, they are exempt from inspection of
any “military” site – gee, sounds like a good place to develop their nuclear
capabilities. They can just call any
nuclear site “military.” And further, on top of the 24-day (minimum) waiting
period before a non-military site would be accessible, the U.S. (or others)
must reveal the source of their intelligence leading to the suspicion. Isn’t that cute – that way they learn who/what
any human or other intel sources are, and put a stop to them. So we get nothing, and they get cover for
their nuclear program, and an end to sanctions with many billions of dollars to
support their international terrorism sponsorship & conventional weapons
& ICBM programs.
While I don’t want Trump as president (we have much better
candidates), I do agree with some things he says & does, including his
statement that Obama should have read Trump’s “Art of the Deal.” Fiorina would also be a much better
negotiator. While some Democrats are
breaking ranks on the deal, there may well still not be enough to override
Obama’s veto of a GOP rejection of the deal.
So the only solution is to elect a Republican president who will
overturn it. The Dems found a couple
dozen or so military leaders who support the deal, but 200 former generals etc.
signed a statement denouncing the deal.
Miscellaneous -- The
Economy , Deniers, & Leftist Cognitive Dissonance
Larry Elder quoted Mark Zuckerberg (an earlier Obama
supporter) on how bad the economy is – worst labor participation in 40 years, worst
malaise/recovery since WWII,…
Counters to the accusation of “climate-deniers”: life-deniers (abortion), fiscal sanity deniers
(economic recovery & debt), human-nature-deniers (feminism, welfare system,
evil (ISIS, war not the answer – how about in 1776, 1812, 1860, 1917, 1941,
1951, 1967, 1979, 1991,….?). Or heterosexual
parenting/marriage, liberty-deniers (bigger government, regulations, no school
choice,…), constitution-deniers (Obama’s overreaching executive orders,…).
good a concise exposition of the cognitive dissonance of Leftism/Liberalism as
I’ve seen. Eric Allen Bell https://www.facebook.com/EricAllenBell/videos/813305185414138/ “Liberty and Islam cannot coexist. Free Speech and Islam cannot coexist.
Women's Rights and Islam cannot coexist. Human Rights and Islam cannot coexist.
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