10 Days of Daily Clinton Scandals, & Obamacare Disaster

Following are 11 days of articles from various sources showing a continuous stream of Clinton scandal stories leading up to the election, as well as the disaster of Obamacare.  Click the links for the full stories, or video clip.

Even this administration is now acknowledging double-digit Obamacare premium increases on top of already horrendous rates & services -- broken promises. Hillarycare will be even worse for the country -- single-payer or socialized medicine. She'll also give us more of her failed foreign policies, more failed economic policies, and more failed social policies that will linger through the Supreme Court long after she's gone. And more lies and corruption.


Here's your Clinton scandal-of-the-day. Clinton associate, VA gov. McAuliffe, steered a total of $675,000 to the campaign of the wife of the FBI official in charge of the Clinton email investigation. Gee, and how did that investigation turn out? Got to be coincidence, just like Bill Clinton running into & mtg. w. the Attorney General just days before FBI/DOJ decisions on the Hillary's emails. And the State Dept.'s quid pro quo discussion w. FBI to declassify one of Hillary's classified emails on her open server before turning it over to the investigation. And all the favors and access given to those who "happened" to pay many millions to the Clintons and their foundation. Gee, those coincidences begin to add up!


The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Here's another Clinton scandal-of-the-day. And from the Washington Post!!! "Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income." Another testament to the veracity of "Clinton Cash" that I've posted before.


The 2011 document, written by a top Bill Clinton aide, was disclosed Wednesday…

And yet another Clinton scandal-of-the-day from the Washington Post. Just when Hillary thought the email scandal was behind her....
The gift that keeps on giving, as Trump closes the gap in the polls with 11 days to go before the election.

Election eve announcement could shake campaign

Your Clinton scandal-of-the-day:
" ... if Hillary Clinton is willing to rig an election in Palestine, why wouldn’t she do the same here if she could? This realization that Clinton is not beyond “fixing” the results of an election, should make all of the other recent evidences of massive voter fraud all the more concerning." Trump may not be far off saying the election is rigged -- by the media bias, as well.
And we know that this administration DID actively meddle in the Israeli election -- against Netanyahu, who Obama despises. But they scream bloody murder if Russia is suspected of hacking & leaking emails that may affect this election.


A bombshell of new audio is exposing Hillary Clinton for the immoral, politically motivated opportunist that she is. Now the question is, will this impact her race for…

Here are 5 Clinton scandals-of-the-day in one article! Using Wikileaks sources. Hillary got debate questions in advance, open borders, payoff by king of Morocco, her aide says she hates everyday Americans, and they themselves believe the Iran deal will lead to nuclear war in the Middle East.

WikiLeaks has released an enormous amount of information and some of it definitively shows that Hillary Clinton isnt fit to be President.

Insights into Hillary that go along with reports from assigned secret service agents, etc.

The Hillary I Know - Derek Hunter: As Election Day 2016 approaches, I’m reminded of all the .10/30/2016 10:56:46AM EST.

You'll enjoy this short video spoof on actors' political wisdom -- click the link.

Thank you famous actors...for telling us how to vote!
Credit: BrabenderCox

Emails may be the least of the issues that are about to fall on Huma Abedin and her boss Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s New Hires Would Go Far Beyond the Supreme Court
"If Hillary nominated only one liberal jurist to replace the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, she could nudge the Court to the left for decades. Free speech, religious liberty, gun rights, separation of powers, free enterprise, federalism, and unborn Americans all would be in the cross hairs. But her influence would go far, far beyond that.
All told, by next Independence Day, Hillary could name 105 like-minded judges to these federal courts. And that’s just the judicial branch."
http://www.nationalreview.com/article/441566/hillary-clinton-administration-judges-cabinet-appointees-would-inflict-damage From top to bottom, a third Clinton administration would inflict tremendous damage on America.

Three months ago, I wrote a column refuting the claim repeatedly made by supporters of Hillary Clinton that having a woman president -- specifically, Hillary Clinton --…

Something to think about. I know that the risk of a Hillary corrupt presidency is so great that our very constitution is at risk. While I wish we had a better option, I think it is most important to defeat her before more damage is done. I also believe Congress will rein in Trump where they won't Hillary. And even if McMullin's Utah sway prevails, it will only go to Congress which means,...hello...a D or R will be chosen by them instead. They are made up of the two predominant parties with very few outside those lines so, yes, they would choose one of those two and even Evan knows they would not choose him. Ultimately, Trump will do less damage than a corrupt third term Clinton.

When I attended Harvard Law School way back in 1981-84, Mitt Romney was the Bishop in the other Cambridge Ward. He and I were friendly. The last time…

The FBI and the democrats are not getting along at all this week, after James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

We’re so used to complicated problems that we occasionally overlook the obvious. Like fiddling around with some gadget, trying to get it to work when all you needed…

Despite the bombshell news that the FBI is conducting a massive investigation into corruption at the Clinton Foundation, the three networks on Thursday ignored the…

5 items from the Media Research Center:
"Last night, Fox News’ Bret Baier broke a series of startling developments in the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton. The revelations included the following:
1. Sources within the FBI called a criminal indictment of Clinton “likely,” due to alleged pay-to-play schemes conducted through the Clinton Foundation.
2. The investigation into the Clinton Foundation is far more expansive than previously reported, and has been going on for more than a year.
3. Laptops of top Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and are currently being combed for evidence.
4. Agents have found potentially classified emails from Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop that they have not seen before.
5. FBI sources are 99% sure that Clinton’s server was hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies.
Despite these damning revelations just six days before Election Day, the major news networks have completely blacked out the story!
Media Research Center president Brent Bozell issued the following statement in response to the liberal media blackout:
"The networks’ blackout of the news that two FBI sources said there will ‘likely’ be indictments related to the Clinton Foundation is beyond the pale. If there was a report about likely indictments related to the Trump Foundation, there would be an immediate flash mob of reporters camped in front of Trump Tower breaking away from regularly-scheduled programming and offering play by play commentary. No one in the so-called ‘news’ media can deny this without lying through his/her teeth. The stench of corruption between the Justice Department, the State Department and the Clinton Foundation machine and now the leftist ‘news’ media is overpowering. This is a media cover-up.
“We will report developments on this continuing cover-up every hour from here on out. We want America to know the role the ‘news’ media are playing in what appears now to be a criminal conspiracy. "


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