Russian Collusion, Stolen Election, Leftist Attacks, Trump Critics, Tax Cuts, Sanctuary State, Media Bias, Gun Control, Disaster Hysteria
My political Facebook posts from 9/17/17 to 11/13/17:
1. Trump delegitimizers colluding with the Russians
2. Leftist bigotry, hatred & violence -- against Trump, Conservatives, Christians,
3. Stolen election & Russian collusion finally proven
4. Corker & Flake critiques of Trump
5. California sanctuary state
6. Tax cuts supported by prominent Democrat
7. Gun control & Athens & Sparta
8. Disaster hysteria
9. Journalist admits bias
1. Trump delegitimizers colluding with the Russians 11/13/17
NEWS FLASH for those
agitating to delegitimize Trump's election -- you're colluding with the
Russians! This according to various social media moguls testifying before
Congress recently -- the Russians have been very active also after the election
in social media, feeding fake news to foment greater chaos and division, and
delegitimize the election. So, you can continue to follow and believe and go
along with all the hysteria you hear on social media & the mainstream
media, and collude with the Russians, or wise
up! Lenin would refer to you as "useful idiots" (see references
below). Not to mention Hillary's Russian collusion on the fake Trump dossier,
the Uranium One deal, etc.
“…Lenin, referring to
Westerners who denied the existence of Lenin\'s police-state terror, called
‘useful idiots.’”
“Lenin put it
another way, often saying that capitalist dupes "will
sell us the rope with which to hang them." He called them "the useful idiots."”
sell us the rope with which to hang them." He called them "the useful idiots."”
2. Leftist bigotry, hatred & violence -- against Trump, Conservatives, Christians, 11/8/17
One year after Trump's
election, it's finally TIME TO END THE BIGOTRY AND HATRED -- against
conservatives, Christians & Trump. Despite dire predictions like this
German magazine cover ("The end of the world -- as we know it"), the
world has not come to an end, nor has the 3rd Reich been restored -- except in the minds of those still
harboring Trump Derangement Syndrome. I also briefly review the 100 year legacy
of Communism, and socialism.
To further
illustrate the bigotry & hatred, 3 RECENT NEWS STORIES CONVERGED: the Texas
church shooting, a violent attack on Rand Paul (giving him 5 broken ribs), and
Trump’s favorability polling. As the stories in the links below show, the
attackers in the shooting & against Sen. Paul are true anti-religion or
anti-conservative/libertarian believers who feel they’re venting their anger
& furthering their causes by their violent actions. And they’ve found
plenty of support and probably even encouragement for their anger on the Left
& in the mainstream media (well, plenty redundancy there).
And, I believe,
Trump’s low favorability polls (which the media love to gloat over), are in
good part a result of the incessant, biased (e.g., see the Harvard study),
negative portrayal and focus on Trump in the media. Eventually, many people
will come to believe what they continually hear, if that’s about all they hear.
A sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. Just as in government-controlled media in
Europe and totalitarian regimes. I’ve posted before about the inflaming effect
of the rhetoric of the media & the Left on the shooter of the GOP
Congressmen not long ago. And now we have another violent attack on a GOP
member of Congress.
These are true
Leftists, who, like their Bolshevik prototypes of 100 years ago, believe that
the radical ideals of the few should take precedence over the democratic
choices of the many. For all the supposed hate speech of the Right, and their
2nd Amendment beliefs, I don’t believe we saw anything like these kinds of
violent attacks (& Antifa’s – a true oxymoron ala “1984”) against political
opponents or atheists during Obama’s tenure. And believe me, our feelings were
just as strong against their actions. And now we see unprecedented behavior by
a former president (Obama) – actively organizing and campaigning against the
policies of a sitting president. These people simply cannot accept that the
American people voted for change – that the kind of change Obama delivered was
not what they wanted.
And speaking of
the Bolshevik Revolution of 100 years ago, what have been the results of what
that began in those 100 years? Mega-death: Roughly 100 million dead in the
Soviet Union, roughly 300 million in Communist China, many millions more in
Cambodia, North Korea, etc. Not to speak of untold misery and economic
impoverishment there and in spin-off socialist countries elsewhere, stifling of
free speech and religion, etc. In 100 years their system has consistently,
repeatedly, been shown to fail, whereas ours in 250 years is robust and
fruitful. Despite what the Left and their preachers in the universities,
politics & media, would have us believe through their revisionist
histories, blowing relatively lesser flaws all out of proportion, sowing
division (racial, class, etc.) to weaken us, or even lying (e.g., “hands up,
don’t shoot”), to advance their progressive, Leftist causes. Which will fail
just as every other has. And just as Obamacare, excessive entitlements, and
massive debt are failing.
2 stories on
Russia's current views of the Revolution (the first from the Post unsurprisingly
gets in a slight on conservatives and evangelicals):
We are seeing
that these modern Leftists can be just as devious as their Bolshevik
progenitors -- e.g., the Clinton campaign in the Democrat primaries, etc. And
she, a true Alinsky-ite (author of “Rules for Radicals”), in many ways is even
more covertly Left than Obama. They can also be just as ruthless -- e.g., the
violent attacks against GOP members of Congress, and the Antifa riots. These
are tactics they must resort to, because they cannot stand on their merits in
the light of day. That is why they inevitably resort to name-calling, character
assassination, and violence, rather than rational debate on policies and
ideologies, or objective assessments of the actual results of those policies
and ideologies.
speaking of revisionist histories that are resulting in defaming and erasing of
Columbus and our founding fathers, I’m reading (or listening to) “Empire of the
Summer Moon,” which clearly documents how truly violent, blood-thirsty, cruel
and slave-holding most if not all of the native American tribes were among themselves.
But the Left would have us believe them a peaceful, idyllic culture destroyed
by White imperialism, as if disease had nothing to do with it (it had the major
role in it).
3 news
stories converge: the Texas church
shooting, violent attack on Rand Paul, and Trump’s favorability polling. As the stories in the links below show, the
attackers in the shooting & against Sen. Paul are true anti-religion or
anti-conservative/libertarian believers who feel they’re venting their anger
& furthering their causes by their violent actions. And they’ve found plenty of support and
probably even encouragement for their anger on the Left & in the mainstream
media (well, plenty redundancy there).
And, I
believe, Trump’s low favorability polls (which the media love to gloat over),
are in good part a result of the incessant, biased (e.g., the Harvard study),
negative portrayal and focus on Trump in the media – eventually many people
will come to believe what they continually hear, if that’s about all they
hear. A sort of self-fulfilling
prophecy. Just as in
government-controlled media in Europe and totalitarian regimes. I’ve posted before about the inflaming effect
of the rhetoric of the media & the Left on the shooter of the GOP
Congressmen not long ago. And now we
have another violent attack on a GOP member of Congress.
are true Leftists, who, like their Bolshevik prototypes of 100 years ago, believe
that the radical ideals of the few should take precedence over the democratic
choices of the many. For all the
supposed hate speech of the Right, and their 2nd Amendment beliefs,
I don’t believe we saw anything like these kinds of violent attacks (& Antifa’s
– a true oxymoron ala “1984”) against political opponents or atheists during
Obama’s tenure. And believe me, our
feelings were just as strong against their behavior. And now we see yet another unprecedented
behavior by a former president (Obama) – actively organizing and campaigning
against the policies of a sitting president.
These people simply cannot accept that the American people voted for
change – that the kind of change Obama delivered was not what they wanted.
speaking of the Bolshevik Revolution of 100 years ago, what have been the results
of what that began in those 100 years?
Mega-death: Roughly 100 million
dead in the Soviet Union, roughly 300 million in Communist China, many millions
more in Cambodia, North Korea, etc. Not to speak of untold misery and economic
impoverishment there and in socialist countries elsewhere, stifling of free
speech and religion, etc. In 100 years their system has consistently, repeatedly,
been shown to fail, whereas ours in 250 years is robust and fruitful. Despite what the Left and their preachers in
the universities, political & media, would have us believe through their
revisionist histories, blowing relatively lesser flaws all out of proportion,
sowing division (racial, class, etc.) to weaken us, or even lying (e.g., “hands
up, don’t shoot”), to advance their progressive, Leftist causes. Which will fail just as every other has. And just as Obamacare, excessive
entitlements, and massive debt are failing.
We are
seeing that these modern Leftists can be just as devious (e.g.,the Clinton
campaign in the Democrat primaries, etc. – and she, a true Alinsky-ite (author
of “Rules for Radicals”), in many ways is even more covertly Left than Obama)
and ruthless (e.g., the violent attacks against GOP members of Congress) as
their Bolshevik progenitors. These are
tactics they must resort to, because they cannot stand on their merits in the
light of day. That is why they inevitably
resort to name-calling, character assassination, and violence, rather than
rational debate on policies and ideologies, or objective assessments of the
actual results of those policies and ideologies.
speaking of revisionist histories that are resulting in defaming and erasing of
Columbus and our founding fathers, I’m reading (or listening to) “Empire of the
Summer Moon,” which clearly documents how truly violent, blood-thirsty, cruel
and slave-holding many or most of the native American tribes were among
themselves. But the Left would have us
believe them a peaceful, idyllic culture destroyed by White imperialism, as if
disease had nothing to do with it (it had the major role in it).
3. Stolen election & Russian collusion proven 11/2/17
the Democrats -- Hillary stole the Democratic primary, according to DNC
chairwoman Donna Brazile, and Hillary's campaign colluded with the Russians on
the fake Trump dossier. Oh, and Hillary & Bill and their Clinton Foundation
colluded w. Russians on the Uranium One deal, and otherwise sold her influence
for the foundation. Projection is alive and well. Not to mention her flouting
national security & lying. And HER election would have been legitimate? It
seems there's a REAL witch to be hunted.
4. Corker & Flake critiques of Trump 10/27/17
Regarding Corker’s and Flake’s
critiques of Trump, let’s remember that the dangers from the Left and our
external enemies are far greater than any “Trumped”-up, hysterical dangers of
Trump’s tweets and dignity lapses. The Left’s relentless focus on them really
is intended to stop the agenda for which he was elected, and has been
delivering, and to basically disenfranchise and disrespect those who elected
him, every
bit as much as their calling all Republicans racist, sexist, etc. etc. “It’s not
about the tweets” – those are only an excuse and object of lingering anger over
a lost election. As is Trump’s “Russian collusion” that is increasingly
evidently nonexistent – and the Democrats’ Russian collusion increasingly
clear. Once again, projection.
Just like differences within a
family, they’re better dealt with within the family than openly outside. The
latter is done for self-serving, political purposes (e.g., placating the Left
for re-election) or vindictiveness out of personality differences, not with the
interests of the team – which are already in jeopardy with such a narrow
majority, and grand-standing mavericks like McCain, Collins, etc. Now Flake
apparently realized that his polls are so bad in Arizona that he’s dropped his
re-election bid.
Yes, Trump’s a rough, abrasive,
impulsive New Yorker. Sometimes we have to put aside personal differences for
the greater good. Destroying the good to achieve unobtainable perfection is
working in step with the enemy of good, and just going along with the
Democrat/Left media line. It’s fine and good to have superb standards of
speech, but intolerantly, unforgivingly and inflexibly demanding them of
everyone is not the best approach.
Realistically, what are the odds of
changing the quirks of a 70-year-old? And as in a marriage, is constant, strong
public criticism more productive, or destructive? What would a divorce mean?
Going to the other party? Impeachment? Undermining his agenda? All of these
benefit the Left and hurt conservatism. It’s best to put things in perspective,
and just learn to take the not insignificant good with the relatively insignificant
bad. And remember how much better things are, nonetheless, than under a Hillary
I agree completely with Ted Cruz:
“Well, look, I think everybody should stop bickering and engaging in personal
attacks. We should focus on doing our jobs. That's what my focus is. I tell
you, every day, walking down the hall of the Capitol, there is a swarm of
reporters like locusts that stands on and they want a comment on 'so and so
said this' and it's like you're back in junior high. I really don't care who
passed the note to the cute girls in pigtails. We've got a job to do, dammit.
And so all of this nonsense, I've got nothing to say on it. Everyone shut up
and do your job is my view.” [full interview at ]
Yes, and Congress has plenty to do
to deliver on its promises.
5. California sanctuary state 10/6/17
Well, I now live in a sanctuary state. I already
lived next to a sanctuary city (L.A.). Not just a shot against Trump, but
federal law. And another step in the effectual secession from the Union, as has
been done elsewhere, and on other issues. The Civil War analogy is not so
far-fetched. If I were a cartoonist, I'd be drawing a cartoon of a statue of
Governor Moonbeam dressed like the Statue of Liberty, maybe standing on
Alcatraz & overlooking the Golden Gate, saying "Give me your illegals,
your unassimilated, your moochers off the system, your diseased, your
terrorists, your gang-bangers & criminals, your anti-Americans, your future
Democrats, ...."
“sanctuary state” bill, a far-reaching proposal aimed at preventing California
law enforcement officers from helping to carry out President Donald Trump’s
promised crackdown on illegal immigration, has been signed into law by Gov.
Jerry Brown, along with 10 other measures to protect undocumented...
6. Tax cuts supported by prominent Democrat
A prominent
Democrat supports the kind of across-the-board tax cuts the Trump
administration & GOP congress are proposing. And he explains well in 2
minutes why they work, and in fact create more revenue. In fact, Kennedy's cuts
were greater. And along the same lines (and similar results) as Reagan's. And
Kennedy was also big on defense. My, how the Democrat Party has gone left --
nearly half supporting Socialist Sanders, Antifa, etc. And more than half
supported Obama -- the left-most president (and arguably most disastrous) in
our history.
JFK speaks on
his income tax cut that he wants to present to Congress in January of the next
year. Visit h…
The Dems just have their predictably knee-jerk reaction to any tax cuts that include the rich, or corporations. Stage 1 thinking -- no economic analysis other than to think that the economy is a zero-sum game. And just like California is learning, you drive businesses and individuals out with higher taxes. The U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world -- and they complain that our businesses go abroad! If you want to bring them back, give them incentive. They fail to see that Keynesian economics and Socialism have never succeeded, but they can never give up "the audacity of hope" that someday they will. One more prime example of how doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.
7. Gun control & Athens & Sparta 10/4/17
Mark Clayson Pat Sajak, the host of Wheel of Fortune and a
very funny man, issued a tweet in the wake of the plethora of uninformed
opinions offered by self-important celebrities (Need we mention Jimmy Kimmel?)
in response to the Las Vegas massacre:
Pat Sajak@patsajak
OK, let me explain this again: We're celebs. We're wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take our opinions more seriously.
5:55 AM - Oct 4, 2017
Pat Sajak@patsajak
OK, let me explain this again: We're celebs. We're wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take our opinions more seriously.
5:55 AM - Oct 4, 2017
3 mins ·
gun control proponent looks objectively at the statistics and comes to a
surprising conclusion. We need more like her who dig deeper than gut emotion
and are open to truth, wherever it leads. I'm even surprised that the
Washington Post would publish this. Maybe there's hope.
suggests that no one broad gun-control restriction could make a big difference.
The contrast between North & South Korea
could hardly be more stark, almost like Sparta & Athens: One produces cars,
TV's, computers, etc., the other missiles & bombs; one is democratic, the
other a 3rd generation despot; one lit brightly at night, the other dark; one
has a well-fed population, the other is starving & several inches shorter;
one has full freedom, the other none & death camps for any who dissent or
deviate slightly; one generates wealth and prosperity, the other generates
threats of death & destruction to enemies within & without; one
religious & worship a heavenly god & the other atheist or worship an
earthly would-be god.
8. Disaster hysteria 9/17/17
This piece hits the nail
on the head about recent hysterias. Reminds me of Rahm Emanuel's "You
never want a serious crisis to go to waste..." [to further the Left's
Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, followed by a strong hurricane in Florida,
much of the media response indicated that the severe weather was a sign of
catastrophic climate change, payback for mass suburbanization — and even a
backlash by Mother Nature against the election of President Donald Trump......
"In ascribing every
disaster — even the Syrian civil war — to human-caused warming, we may be
venturing into something more akin to the religious notion of original sin than
to rational science. ....
"The best
response to disasters is not to advance hysterical claims about impending doom,
but rather resilience.
This goes along
with the rationality of cost-effective mitigation espoused by climatologist
Bjorn Lomborg in this 5 minute Prager University video:…/climate-change-our-biggest-problem
When Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, followed by a strong hurricane in
Florida, much of the media response indicated that the severe weather was a
sign of catastrophic climate change, payback for mass suburbanization — and
even a backlash by Mother Nature against the election of Presiden...
Mark Clayson There was a German newspaper article saying
the Houston devastation was judgment or justice for all the neo-Nazis there.
Talk about sweeping and ignorant generalizations! Of course just regurgitating
the Leftist American media, and doing penance for WWII. And then
"geophysicist" Beyonce included earthquakes in the littany of
disasters associated with climate change. How can anyone take this stuff
seriously? And they accuse skeptics and rationalists of being anti-science!??? I don't think most of the activists know the
first thing about science, but they sure love to talk about it.
9. Journalist admits bias
I heard Jake Tapper (CNN
Washington correspondent) in this segment admit he could/should do a better job
of acknowledging & giving credit to the Trump administration for their
accomplishments (rather than incessantly focusing on tweets and politically
incorrect wording).
And I'll repeat
below a list someone else compiled -- of course the Left would consider many of
these negative accomplishments. But there has been actual work done -- not just
Guest: Jake
Tapper - The Michael Medved Show
Show Highlight - CNN's Jake Tapper talks with Michael about the Trump administration's "war" w...
Show Highlight - CNN's Jake Tapper talks with Michael about the Trump administration's "war" w...
Highlight - CNN's Jake Tapper talks with Michael about the Trump
administration's "war" with mainstream media. Is peace, suddenly, at
hand? - Listen Now
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