Antifa, "Unite-the-Right" & “Alt-Right” Unmasked

Even president Obama’s administration identified Antifa as a terrorist organization. But of course that was conveniently forgotten or swept under the rug when they could be used as a tool of the now clearly Left-leaning media & Democrat Party’s narrative characterizing conservatives and especially Trump as haters and racist, and supporters of greedy capitalists. No, they became, just as the old KKK, the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, used to intimidate into silence and submission all those falsely accused of these crimes who bear guilt by fabricated name association with some marginal group of nuts. They even use the same tactics of bravely hiding their faces – so proud of themselves and their cause.
Of course they have an air of legitimacy, ostensibly nobly vanquishing haters (conservative speakers), racists (all conservatives) and class oppressors (all non-socialists). Which apparently gives them the right to engage in the vilest of tactics – incitement, assault (physical, vile verbal), property destruction, etc. After all, the ends justifies the means. And they claim moral superiority over haters, as if there’s no hint of hate in them? Ludicrous. Orwellian. Now they chant “no borders, no walls, no USA at all” – if not anarchists, then Leftist internationalists. And they attack our police, even our media. And the media are now shocked, after giving them a nod as long as they attacked conservatives? Eventually the alligators come after you, too.
Left-wing Antifa Thugs Attack Media and Police in Charlottesville:
White supremacist Richard Spencer, featured speaker at the 2017 Charlotte “Unite the Right” rally, and coiner of the term “alt-Right,” has been unmasked by Dinesh D’Souza in his film, “Death of a Nation.” A brief part of a more extensive interview of Spencer in the film is shown here: but the full extent of his totally Leftist, socialist, political philosophy is even more evident in the full interview. Plus the fact that he was on the Obama campaign, and involved in the Occupy movement. He is not of the Right, and certainly not a conservative. And so he is either very confused as to his political identity, or is complicit in mis-labeling the Right, or conservatives, as sympathetic to Nazism (national socialism), or racism.
Nazis were as socialist as the Bolsheviks, but merely more nationalistic than the globalist communists. As D’Souza also points out in his movie, the Italian fascists and German Nazis were early on much more admired & embraced by American progressives including Wilson, FDR, etc. until they became discredited in the war. Then the “big switch” (really, big lie), trying to claim that the Right are the fascists and Nazis. And of course Nazism also embraced racism (which the pre-1960’s Democrats did, as well), so that was thrown into the other “big switch” & big lie that D’Souza also discredits, that Republicans are now the racists, though they are the ones who passed the Civil Rights Act, and championed Blacks from Lincoln on. And Republican policies are now doing more to truly benefit Blacks than anything the Democrats have done in the last 50 years while claiming to be their champions – for their votes.
But Spencer’s racism may merely be a more virulent version of the Left’s soft bigotry of low expectations, which keeps the Black voting block down (e.g., multi-generational welfare/poverty, crime,fatherlessness) on the Democrat plantation. Either that, or a more sinister, even clandestine, effort to intentionally propagate and capitalize on the false narrative of racism on the Right. With a movie out now on a Black infiltrator of the KKK, and knowing the deviousness of Russian disinformation and incitement of racism on both sides in our election, I wouldn’t even put it past a Leftist to organize a Leftist movement, calling it “alt-Right” or “Unite the Right” and trying to attract racists (many of whom likely admire Nazis only for their racism, oblivious to their politics) or confused Leftists just to give the Right a bad name.  Racist nitwits likely can't think, articulate or speak for themselves, and so are open to any articulate, ostensible racist to come in and do it for them, regardless of politics or motives. It was learned later that in the ‘80’s the Western European protests against Reagan’s missiles to counter Soviet missiles were organized and funded by Soviet agents.  We know that Leftist protests like Antifa, Occupy, anti-Trump are being funded by Leftist Soros, etc. – you note that many are young, likely jobless low-lifes with nothing better to do.

That this Leftist would even think that the Right would unite over racism is typical of the Democrat/Left stereotype of conservatives, and a blatant attempt to promulgate that stereotype. The gullible, “useful idiots” are those Leftists (e.g., Antifa, Democrats), or uninformed conservatives, who buy into it. And the diminutive size of any of these rallies also indicates how insignificant they are, however much the Left/Democrats like to blow them out of proportion to promote their narrative of how terribly racist America still is, to keep their minority base perpetually resentful victims. Then we see a clash of different flavors of Leftists (Antifa, Spencer-ites) – all socialist, but some racist. But this is not entirely new, either – after all, Nazis and Communists were at each others’ throats, as well. The diminutive numbers of racist followers, and their dubious political leanings, seem to counter the association of racism with the Right.
I can only go by my personal experience -- I know more conservatives I’m sure than most Leftists/Democrats who claim pervasive racism on the Right, and absolutely none of those I know who are conservative are racist. When my father was stationed at Ft. Bliss in Texas in the early 1950’s, my parents were best friends with a Black officer, having him over for dinner to the consternation of neighbors, bringing him to church, and into a drive-in theater over the objections at the entry. I have had Black, Hispanic & Asian roommates, neighbors, fellow church members, work colleagues, volunteer organization board members, Scout leaders, dates/girlfriends, etc., all of whom I get along with just fine. Don’t you dare call me racist, just because of your own ignorance, and because you can’t have a rational, civil argument.


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