The Fallacies of Socialism & Climate Costs, Rushes to Judgment & the Russia Hoax

Links to articles on the following, with my own brief commentary:

1. What science could teach Ocasio-Cortez about climate change

2. DELUSION [of Socialism]

3. Factually Incorrect Cannot Be Morally Correct [AOC]

4. Rush to Judgment: Evidence Shows the 'MAGA Kids vs. Native American Vet' Narrative Was FALSE 

5. In a rare move, Mueller’s office denies BuzzFeed report that Trump told Cohen to lie about Moscow project

6. The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump 

The article shows what science COULD teach her (AOC), not that she's about to listen. Nor her enamored and gullible enthusiasts. No, they claim to have all the solutions -- but none of the facts. On the economics of climate or socialism. Fortunately, the current administration is proving what capitalism is capable of, after the stifling under the previous administration.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared last week that “the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” The freshly minted congresswoman skewered anyone who’d want to talk ab…

The Leftist, socialist Democrats are like the blind leading the blind. Both deluded. Both greedy -- the one for power (offering what the other wants), like Maduro in Venezuela & many others, the other for other people's wealth. Neither willing to learn not only from history, but even current events. And the liberals in the Democrat party are cowardly succumbing to this drug-peddling. Wake up, America!

Socialism is a lot like cocaine. It’s pushed by people who have an aura of self-assurance that makes others think it’s cool to hang out with them. It feels good. And it is responsible for the wreckage of lives on a scale that would make Satan envious of the achievement.

This Shapiro article is spot on. He agrees with Prager who also points out that for the Left, truth is not a value. They speak of morals, but who defines them, if not biblical (on which much of our legal system is based)? Whether a wall or a gun or wealth is immoral depends on the use. Socialist morals (or lack thereof) are very different from those upon which this nation was founded.
This darling of the Left & many Democrats is a young, fresh-faced, attractive face for socialism, making her (like Beto & Obama) wildly popular among them. But it is an empty, inarticulate, irrational pant suit who has merely bought and regurgitated the pablum she was fed by Leftist educator economic hacks with no practical real-world experience, or even knowledge of history.
Try as you will to re-package socialism, it has almost invariably failed miserably whenever and wherever truly tried -- only one recent example being Venezuela. Not long ago it was the pride of South America, and now millions have fled the horrid conditions that by all rights should not exist in a nation with more oil some say than Saudi Arabia. But hope springs eternal for the ideologues -- THIS time we'll get it right. Riiiiight.
Their sense of morality is so confused that they have to manufacture and exaggerate causes to give their lives meaning, rather than deal with the real problems and evils that abound. They will attack innocent young Catholic boys with a vengeance, but ignore or excuse criminals, tyrants and radical ideologies. Partly out of cowardice. Which they abound in -- they have themselves succumbed to social pressures, intimidation & bullying of the radical Left, and expect the same tactics to bring the rest of us in line. Guess again -- we are made of sterner stuff.

A few weeks ago, the Fresh Face of the Democratic Party, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., gave one of the great defenses in the history of politics.

Mark Clayson John Adams: "...we have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Mark Clayson Socialism (and totalitarianism, which often go hand-in-hand) is much more suitable for amoral, immoral or irreligious people. Which is perhaps why Communists in Russia, China, etc. have done what they could to kill vestiges of religion. The two are incompatible.

Guest: She should go fix Venezuela

Mark Clayson Yes, she's apparently quite the expert on socialism.

Does the Left never learn lessons from the past – neither history, nor even events of a few days ago (the Buzz-Feed fake news fiasco)?  If “Blessed are the peacemakers,” then surely cursed are the troublemakers, inciters and liars who promote hate and division by misrepresenting & promulgating.  They continue to fall into the trap of grasping at straws that they hope just might do Trump and his supporters in.  Even Joy Behar acknowledged this.  They twisted this event 180 degrees to make the aggressor appear the victim – this activist, along with those with him, aggressively approached these young Catholic boys (pick on someone your own age), who were waiting for their bus, to demean and provoke them, hoping to get a reaction to post (and they accuse Trump of “manufactured crises?” – they are the experts at this Alinskyite tactic).  They didn’t – this good young man just smiled and prayed silently, as he later said, for no escalation, while his fellow students chanted their school cheer.  And for that they, their families, and their school were all threatened with death.  And these provocateurs and social media mobs claim the moral high ground?  Truly Orwellian.  They have absolutely no self-awareness, or morals.  The absurdity of their insinuation that a border wall is immoral!

No, it was the vile provocateurs who displayed bigotry, intolerance & hate – for their skin color, their religion, their support of the Right to Life march, and for their MAGA hats.  And the vile propagators in social and mainstream media – just as bigoted and hateful.  Once again, their accusations of bigotry and hate toward Trump & his supporters is projection.  And just because a hundred talking parrots in the media parrot the Democrat talking point that Trump’s a racist, it doesn’t make it so – they twist a couple/few inarticulate statements to be other than intended, or how he lives and supports minorities.  The amazing statistic today is that 50% of Hispanics in this country support the president – higher than Bush’s support.  He’s benefitting them, Blacks & all minorities.  Sorry Dems, the truth will eventually prevail.  And the Left promotes (even thrives on) such anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-religious hate and bigotry by preaching victim mentality, and dividing us – divide and conquer.  Exactly the tactic of the Russian social media meddling in our election.  The Left preaches against judging people, but these boys were clearly targeted for their skin color, religion & politics.

Correcting the Record.

The Russia Hoax Gift that Keeps on Giving
How many times today on the mainstream media did we hear "If this story is true, then Trump clearly obstructed, which is impeachable"? It clearly hadn't been vetted, and now Mueller, who is privy to the facts, took the highly unusual step of denying it. Just one more in the long string of so-called "journalists" all too anxious to find something on Trump that they are continually crying wolf. Only the most gullible, intellectually dishonest Trump-haters will continue to fall for this garbage, and the Russia conspiracy theory that after 2 years of investigation has come up short. People talk about the low credibility of politicians, but journalism's credibility has already died. And why, by the way, did Mueller take such an unusual step now, after all the many earlier leaks (of similarly questionable truthfulness) from his highly partisan team during his investigation? What a coincidence that it was the same week as his new AG boss was approved, who promised to investigate and correct DOJ leaks and biases that keep justice from being blind (e.g., Comey, Strozk, McCabe,...). Mueller no doubt now feels the pressure to get it right, if he wants to continue. And why would anyone believe Cohen anyway, who it was proved lied to Congress, and had every incentive to feed (i.e., manufacture) Mueller what he thought he wanted, to get himself a lighter sentence?

The special counsel, which seldom speaks about its investigation, says explosive assertions are ‘not accurate.’

The new revelations this week of the rogue, deep state FBI agents going after President Trump only add to the mass of evidence provided in this book. I heard the author interviewed on Prager today -- pretty convincing and scary -- almost like some totalitarian police state. I'd already gotten the book at Costco. Hopefully the new AG, William Barr, will do as his GOP questioners insisted, and investigate & correct these matters. More swamp to be drained. As well as the IRS -- sounds like the conservative groups they'd attacked are finally getting some justice. I have to wonder if all the bogus attacks on Trump aren't diversions from who should really be investigated & convicted -- "the best defense is a good offense?" Yet another case of projection by the Left/Dems.

#1 New York Times bestsellerFox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reveals the real story behind Hillary Clinton’s deep state collaborators in government and exposes their nefarious actions during and after the 2016 election.The Russia Hoax reveals how persons within the FBI and Barack O...


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