Immigration Crises in the U.S. & Abroad & Christian vs. Muslim Persecution

Christian vs Muslim Persecution But of course Muslims get all the media coverage to further create animosity against Christians. Even Pete Buttigieg is trying to fan the flames for political capital, making himself out to be a victim (what the Left does best), attacking our VP & his views, despite Pence having had a great working relationship with him in Indiana. There's an occasional truly lone wolf nut job "Christian," (or White Nationalist), but the Christian massacres by ISIS in Syria and elsewhere, including Sri Lanka, Africa, etc., are large-scale, organized, coordinated, even genocidal movements. Hundreds of churches in Europe have been desecrated, let alone elsewhere, with little or no media attention. TOWNHALL.COM Data: Christians Are the Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World 4/15/19 U.S. Immigration Crisis & Radical Muslim Attacks I've noticed there don't seem to be many sanctuary cities near the borders, wh...