More Wrongs Don't Make it Right

At least 3 Black lives have been taken by rioters: 2 police officers (Underwood on duty in Oakland, Dorn a retired chief defending a friend’s business) and a 22-year old protester. And others. Here is the wrenching video of the sister of the young black protester killed and her accusation against the rioters for blood on their hands:
Do those 3 wrongs (or all the billions in property damage) make Floyd’s death right, or honor it? Do those Black lives matter less, or do they get the publicity as martyrs that Floyd does? No, because the cowing, partisan media wouldn’t want to dilute the radical BLM message and demands to defund police. Never mind that the Minneapolis police chief is Black, mayor Democrat and very far Left (he called the shot to abandon the police precinct that was overrun and destroyed, further encouraging the rioters). How, on earth is it that they don’t bear the blame for any “systemic” racism in their department and city, and rather Trump is somehow blamed? And as extreme as the mayor is, trying to engage the extremists in dialogue, here is what you get when you try reasoning with emoting Leftists – he at least has some spine in not agreeing outright to disband the police, and in walking away in disgrace through the crowd. His real disgrace is his initial response to the riots.
There is no half measure that will satisfy the extremists – they only continue to demand more when you start to show any acquiescence. That is exactly what has happened to the Democrat Party with their hijacking by the Left – they continue to dominate as the weak-minded liberals placate and accommodate. And they, like terrorists, apparently only understand strength. Only after the National Guard came in force did the rioting subside.
Do the over 4 dozen police officers murdered last year in the U.S. matter less than the 10 unarmed blacks killed last year by police (and now more in the wake of this)? Are 4 police deaths for every unarmed black death enough to satisfy the blood lust of those demanding vigilante justice? The police were innocent, and though unarmed, the blacks in police confrontations generally are resisting arrest or otherwise engaged in criminal activity. And at least some if not most/all were possibly as justified as the Ferguson officer was found after thorough investigation. And how many if any could be shown to have acted out of racial animus? Again, twice as many unarmed white men were killed by police last year.
In the course of the pandemic, we’ve repeatedly heard “follow the numbers.” Well, doesn’t that apply here? It does not make sense to generalize and stereotype all police, and call for their defunding or assassination or defiance, based on the actions of a few. Any more than what some believe -- that the sins of the fathers should be borne by the children, or that we all are automatically condemned by Adam’s transgression. Or any more than some who are racist generalize the sins of some blacks to the entire race. Or accusing all whites of being racist (genetically or otherwise) because of the sins of a small minority -- isn't that racist? If not right on the one hand, then also not right on the other.
Similarly, several generations after slavery (and over half a million of many of our ancestors died in the Civil War to end it), after the long and many attempts to right wrongs legislatively and otherwise, and after many of our immigrant ancestors (like mine) who didn’t engage in slavery, how can all whites be blamed and penalized for the abhorrent practice that we universally condemn? We believe that the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were, as MLK said, a promissory note that was eventually redeemed, and must be upheld. To continue to fan the flames of racial division, as the race peddlers and extremists and anarchists desire, serves no good purpose, and will benefit no one. It will only perpetuate more of the chaos, hate and destruction that we have recently seen.  And defunding or lessening police presence in our most crime-ridden communities will only further hurt the innocents in those communities.  Wake up, people, and stop groveling and appeasing the extremists! You see what it does.

In a horrible story, barely touched on by the main stream media, who have been covering wall to wall the protests and riots, a bi-racial young lady lost her sister in Iowa after rioters shot her to death, during a “peaceful protest” A video uploaded to Twitter shows a woman crying over her dead ...


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