
Showing posts from June, 2020

Well, Maybe There IS Systemic Racism, After All (but not where they say it is)

I need to correct myself – I think there IS systemic racism. It’s just not wherever BLM and the Dems think it is. And other than rare apparent (often unproven, e.g., Ferguson) police cases (the usual scapegoats), they have great difficulty specifying exactly where it is, other than the nebulous “systemic.” Not that they haven’t looked long and hard – e.g., A.G. Holder’s investigation in Ferguson. The implication, of course, since they obviously think (or at least say) THEY have nothing to do with it, is that it’s in some ill-defined, White-supremacist-controlled organizations that are just everywhere, and in full control of “the system.” Can you say, “conspiracy theory?” Or that it’s the GOP. Can you say “projection?” No, I can be very specific in telling you just where this systemic racism is. Of course it’s only slightly more subtle than the usual suspects -- White supremacists/Neo-Nazis, so you have to think about it a little to see it, because they try to hide it...

Statue-Toppling -- Ignorance run Amok

Are there no limits to ignorance? Are they teaching any truth at all in schools anymore? Apparently not real history -- only Howard Zinn's jaundiced view, ignoring the "promissory note" (MLK) in our founding documents supported also by those who had inherited slaves, and generally freed them. Or perhaps they weren't taught to read, and couldn't read the name on the statue to the man who fought to free slaves and enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. Which of these "social justice warriors" who dishonor him has done more worthy of honor? In their narcissism they may well think they are deserving of statues to themselves -- "legends in their own minds." WASHINGTONTIMES.COM Protesters topple Ulysses Grant statue in San Francisco Protesters on Friday toppled a statue in San Francisco of former Presiden They are just as deluded as John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincoln who imagined himself a justice warrior, and who also ...

Fake Studies and News on Hydroxychloroquine

There seems to be an endless stream of misleading or outright lying “studies” and articles about the hydroxychloroquine therapeutic cocktail for COVID-19.   And they prey on the ignorance, naiveté and casual reading/uncritical thinking of the public.   Or their pre-disposed biases.   There is little explanation for the perpetrators other than confirmation bias (the scientific and medical communities are not immune, and certainly not journalism), incompetence or outright dishonesty, apparently for political motivation.   But as with the investigation into the many FBI errors, random errors would err in different directions, but when all err in one direction, there's something more afoot. In any case, professional (medical, scientific & journalistic) malpractice.   Together with my own misdiagnosis described the other day, my faith in the medical community is being shaken. This week saw the withdrawal of an anti-hydroxy “study” paper published in the ost...

The COVID Lockdown the Greatest Mistake in History?

We are now hearing, even from the WHO, that COVID-19 transmission is almost entirely by those exhibiting symptoms (and who are coughing & sneezing) – extremely rare otherwise.   Despite what we heard earlier that transmission can be by asymptomatic people – apparently that is extremely rare.   We now know, too, even from Dr. Faucci, that masks are not significant in preventing transmission – much less so than social distancing.   And that transmission on surfaces is likewise rare.   And there has not been a large spike as the shutdown has begun to end – e.g., in Florida, Georgia, etc.   So the best strategy all along would have been simple isolation (quarantine) of those symptomatic, with some precautionary social distancing, and hand washing.   This is precisely what Sweden did, with success (and now with greater herd immunity against a second wave), and much less economic devastation.   And our U.S. rates would have been much better (e.g., ...

More Wrongs Don't Make it Right

At least 3 Black lives have been taken by rioters: 2 police officers (Underwood on duty in Oakland, Dorn a retired chief defending a friend’s business) and a 22-year old protester. And others. Here is the wrenching video of the sister of the young black protester killed and her accusation against the rioters for blood on their hands:…/heart-wrenching-video-woman-l…/ Do those 3 wrongs (or all the billions in property damage) make Floyd’s death right, or honor it? Do those Black lives matter less, or do they get the publicity as martyrs that Floyd does? No, because the cowing, partisan media wouldn’t want to dilute the radical BLM message and demands to defund police. Never mind that the Minneapolis police chief is Black, mayor Democrat and very far Left (he called the shot to abandon the police precinct that was overrun and destroyed, further encouraging the rioters). How, on earth is it that they don’t bear the blame for any “systemic” racism i...

Blind Guides Strain at a Gnat, and Swallow a Camel & another Cultural Revolution

“Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”   [Matthew 23: 24]   The camel? How about modern slave markets in Libya? Or human sex & labor & coyote traffickers worldwide? Or real concentration camps for 1-2 million persecuted Uyghurs in China, Chinese oppression of Tibetans and Hong Kong, after reneging on the handover deal with Britain, or destroying churches? And the Chinese dealing in racist manner with Africans, as Africans attest. Or Iran and other Middle Eastern radicals (Taliban, ISIS, etc.) who throw homosexuals off buildings or topple walls on them, crucify Christians, destroy their churches, suppress women, etc.? Or many political prisoners in Cuba, Russia, Venezuela, etc.? Those are real oppressions that apparently those who think we’re the worst country in the world are either oblivious to, care more for their own financial gain (NBA, Bidens, etc.), or because they need to strain at a gnat for their own political purposes. E.g., c...

Recognizing Reconciliation after the Civil War

Last year I gave a talk at church on reconciliation – something that seems timely right now. There is much lip service to it, how much more is needed, and sometimes too little recognition of the efforts made. Some of our most sacred memorials have been defaced, including even to the president and some soldiers who freed the slaves. In my talk are examples of reconciliation offered by that president and one amazing officer. We can learn from history -- read on. “As I pondered examples of reconciliation, I was impressed by two magnanimous and profound conciliatory gestures by great men in our national reconciliation at the close of the Civil War. On one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. is etched Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural speech, given just a few weeks before the end of the great and terrible Civil War. It had taken 620,000 lives (2% of the population, and more than all our combined foreign wars until Vietnam) and was marveled at across the world. In the address he quotes...

Black and Blue

With all the abuse and attacks on police, large numbers of them are leaving the service.   Nice work, news media, BLM, Democrat politicians, etc. for furthering the anti-police narrative, generalizing, giving the rioters/protesters more legitimacy, fanning the flames of racial/police hatred and adding to our nations woes.   Good luck recruiting replacements or maintaining a civil society, not that you care – yet, until it’s too late and you, too, are affected.   And good luck putting the genie back in the bottle, whatever their short-sighted political motives.   In one recent interview, a news interviewer asked the activist interviewee how “WE” can maintain the level of unrest.   Perhaps people can now begin to more clearly see how correct Trump was in calling the media “the enemy of the people.” Activist/propagandist “journalism,” i.e., “fake news.” Of course police misconduct, however infrequent, needs to be addressed, and police unions (allied most with...

The Republic of CHAZ

CHAZ/CHOP…whatever… it’s the several-block “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” in Seattle – a country within a country, like the police no-go Sharia zones in Paris, etc. A spin-off of the BLM protests/riots. It’s good to see and show what their little “utopia” is that they’ve set up, so others can know what to expect if we let their ilk have their way. But of course, like any good totalitarian regime, they’re not anxious for news to get out, like the mob that prevented police from responding to a murder call there. For all their hatred of police and borders, they have strict border enforcement and fully armed guards – no doubt fully trained in non-lethal use of force, and no doubt a more just justice system than our courts. One poor fellow was accused of stealing another’s iPhone, and was surrounded by a vigilante mob w. baseball bats, ready to beat him to a pulp before it was realized the vi...